Gifts of Self

Creative and exciting ways you can make a difference this Christmas.
By Angel Constantino

Published: Candy Magazine, December 2004
Section: Me, Only Better!

I was still studying in Singapore when former Candy editor in chief Ines Bautista (who also happened to be my 3rd year high school English teacher) contacted me to ask if I was willing to write an article for Candy. I was assigned to write about ways to make a concrete difference during the Christmas season. Since the topic was close to my heart and it had always been my dream to write for a magazine, I readily said yes. Having just graduated from Ateneo a few months back and being a member of the Ateneo Christian Life Community, I had many contacts and ideas.

The article came out in the December 2004 issue with Nicole Hernandez on the cover. It was my first published article ever! I was ecstatic—especially to see my byline and my name on the list of contributing writers.
I didn’t know it then, but this article marked the beginning of my career in the publishing industry. :)

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